Keiko Yamanaka Ph.D

Keiko Yamanaka, Ph.D

publications list



October 2012

Wind Over Water: Migration in an East Asian Context.
Co-edited with David W. Haines and Shinji Yamashita, New York: Berghahn Books.




“Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia.” Co-editor of articles from the conference, “Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia,” Special Issue: Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol. 12, No.1-2, Quezon City, Philippines: Scalabrini Migration Center. With Nicola Piper.




Feminized Migration in East and Southeast Asia: Policies, Actions and Empowerment, Occasional Paper 11, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva. With Nicola Piper.




Nuchi du Takara: Life is a Treasure. Documentary Video Interview, with Wesley Ueunten and Mitzi Uehara Carter,
You Tube:




Effective Manning in the Orient: A Review of Asian Development, Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., with Michael Gaffney, Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.




“Diverging Paths, Converging Ends: Japan and Korea’s Low-skilled Immigration Policies, 1990 to 2010,” in John Lie (ed.), Multiethnic/Multicultural Korea, Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) Publications, University of California, Berkeley.


“Achieving Local citizenship in Rural Japan: Filipina Wives in Organized Activism,” in Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines and Jonathan Lee (eds.), The Age of Asian Migration: Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


“Immigration, Policies and Civil Society in Hamamatsu, Central Japan,” in David Haines, Keiko Yamanaka and Shinji Yamashita (eds.), Wind Over Water: Rethinking Migration in an East Asian Setting, London: Berghahn Books.


“Policies, Civil Society and Social Movements for Immigrant Rights in Japan and South Korea: Convergence and Divergence,” in Glenda Roberts and Gabriele Vogt (eds.), Migration to Japan in Comparative Perspectives, Munich: iudicium, 89-108.


“Civil Society and Social Movements for Immigrant Rights in Japan and South Korea: Convergence and Divergence in Unskilled Immigration Policy,” Korea Observer Vol. 41, No. 4: 615-647.


“Intermarriage between Napali Migrant Men and Citizen Women in Japan,” in Hong-zen Wang and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (eds.), Cross-border Marriages with Asian characteristics? Transnational Marriages between Southeast and Northeast Asia, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, pp. 147-175.


“Immigration, Population and Multiculturalism in Japan,” Asia Program Special Report, No. 141, July 2008, Japan’s Declining Population: clearly a Problem, But What’s the Solution? Mark Mohr (ed.), Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


“Transnational Community Activities of Nepalese Visa-Overstayers in Japan: Governance and Transnationalism from Below,” in Nelson H. H. Graburn, John Ertl and R. Kenji Tierney (ed.), Multiculturalism in the New Japan: Crossing the Borders Within, Oxford: Berghan Press: 151-170.


“Japan as a Country of Immigration: Two Decades after an Influx of Immigrant Workers,” Senri Ethnological Reports, 77: 187-196.


“ ‘Bowling Together’: Social Networks and Social Capital of a Nepali Migrant Community in Japan, “ in Nepalis Inside and Outside Nepal, Hiroshi Ishii, David N. Gellner and Katsuo Nawa (eds.). Delhi: Manohar, Pp. 411-442.


“Feminised Migration in East and Southeast Asia and the Securing of Livelihoods,” in Nicola Piper (ed.), New Perspectives on Gender and Migration: Livelihood, Rights and Entitlements, London: Routledge, with Nicola Piper. Pp. 159-188.


“Immigrant Incorporation and Women’s Community Activities in Japan: Local NGOs and Public Education for Immigrant Children,” in Local Citizenship in Recent Countries of Immigration, Takeyuki Tsuda (ed.). New York: Lexington Books, Pp. 97-119.


“Changing Family Structures of Nepali Transmigrants in Japan: Split-Households and Dual-Wage Earners,” Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4: 337-358


“Migration, Differential Access to Health Services and Civil Society’s Responses in Japan,” in Migration and Health in Asia, edited by Santosh Jatrana, Mika Toyota and Brenda Yeoh. London: Routledge, Pp. 141-160.


“Citizenship, Immigration and Ethnic Hegemony in Japan,” in Majority Group and Dominant Minorities: Conceptualizing Dominant Ethnicity, Eric P. Kaufman (ed.), London: Routledge, Pp. 159-178.


“Commentary Immigration to Japan: Myths and Realities,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, Wayne A. Cornelius, Takeyuki Tsuda, Philip L. Martin and James F. Holifield (eds.), Stanford: Stanford University Press, Pp. 477-480.


“Citizenship and Differential Exclusion of Immigrants in Japan,” in State/Nation/Transnation, Brenda S.I. Yeoh, and Katie Willis (eds.), London: Routledge, Pp. 67-92.


Imin Togo Katei ni okeru Josei no Yakuwari to Igi: Nikkei Burajiru-jin Hahaoya Gurupu no Kyoiku Shien Jirei no Kousatsu” (Roles and significance of women in the process of immigrant incorporation), in Gendai Nihon Shakai ni okeru Kokusai Imin to Jenda Kankei no Saihen ni kansuru Kenkyu (Research on reconfiguration of international immigrants and gender relations in contemporary Japan), Ruri Ito (ed.) Kagaku Kenkyushi Hojokin Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho (Reports on scientific research funding), to Japanese Ministry of Education and Science. Pp. 11-28.


“Transnational Community Activities of Undocumented Nepalese in Japan: Agency, Resistance and Governance,” in “‘Behind Many Masks’: Gerald D. Berreman and Berkeley Anthropology, 1959-2001,” Special Issue,: Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, No. 89/90: 146-167. Katherine MacKinnon(ed.), University of California, Berkeley.


“Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia: An Overview,” Special Issue: Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1-2: 1-19. With Nicola Piper.


“Feminized Migration, Community Activism and Grassroots Transnationalization in Japan,” Special Issue: Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1-2: 155-187.


“Feminization of Japanese Brazilian Labor Migration to Japan,” in Searching for Home Abroad: Japanese-Brazilians and the Transnational Moment, Jeffrey Lesser (ed.), Durham: Duke University Press. Pp. 163-200.


“A Breakthrough for Ethnic Minority Rights in Japan: Ana Bortz’s Courageous Challenge,” in Gender and Migration: Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries, Mirjana Morokvasic Muller, Umut Erel and Kyoko Shinozaki (eds.), Volume 1, International Women’s University Series, Opladen, Germany: Verlag Leske +Budrich. Pp. 231-259.


Transnational Community Activities for Local Survival: A Nepalese Visa-Overstayer Community in Japan, NIASnytt, Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies, No. 3 (October): 19-24.


“Nepalese Labor Migration to Japan: From Global Warriors to Global Workers,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1 (January): 62-93.

Reprinted in Chapter 34, pp. 138-170, Volume 3, “Imagined and Imaginary Minorities” of Race, Identity and Migration in Modern Japan, Michael Weiner (ed.), London: Routledge, 2004.


“‘I’ll Go Home, but When?’ Labor Migration and Circular Diaspora Formation by Japanese Brazilians in Japan,” in Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society, C. Michael Douglass and Glenda S. Roberts (eds.), Pp. 123-52, London: Routledge.

Reprinted in paperback edition published 2003 by the University of Hawai’i Press.


“Illegal Immigration in Asia: Regional Patterns and a Case Study of Nepalese Workers in Japan,” in Illegal Immigration in America: A Reference Handbook, David W. Haines and Karen E. Rosenblum (eds.), Pp. 471-99, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.


“Nikkei Brajirujin Josei no Nihon Gyakuryu Dekasegi Gensho: Setai Sutoratejii to ‘Kokoku’ Tsuikyu” (Phenomenon of reverse migration to Japan by Japanese Brazilian women: household strategy and pursuit of the homeland), Nichibei Josei Journal, No. 25: 63-88.


“Return Migration of Japanese Brazilian Women to Japan: Household Strategies and Search for the ‘Homeland’,” in Beyond Boundaries: Selected Papers on Refugees and Immigrants, Volume V, Diane Baxter and Ruth Krulfeld (eds.), Pp. 11-34, Arlington, VA: the American Anthropological Association.

Awarded the 1997 CORI (Committee on Refugees and Immigrants) Award for the Best Paper, by the American Anthropological Association. Reprinted in Oriente-Ocidente: Demensões Culturais, Pp. 85-118, Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidiciplinares, Brasília, Brazil.


“Return Migration of Japanese-Brazilians in Japan: Nikkeijin as Ethnic Minority and Political Construct,” Diaspora, Vol. 5, No. 1: 65-97.


“Return Migration of Japanese-Brazilians in Japan: Nikkeijin as Ethnic Minority and Political Construct,” Diaspora, Vol. 5, No. 1: 65-97.


“Nikkei Burajirujin no Nihon ryunyu no keizoku to idou no shakaika no Shinto—idou sisutemuron wo tsukatte (Migration systems of Japanese-Brazilians in Japan: the continued flow and the socialization of migration),” Ijuu Kenkyuu (Immigration Studies), Japan, No. 33: 55-72, with Eunice Koga.


Factory Workers and Convalescent Attendants: Japanese-Brazilian Migrant Workers and Their Families in Japan,” in International Female Migration and Japan: Networking, Settlement and Human Rights, Pp. 87-116, Tokyo :The International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University.


“Commentary Theory versus Reality in Japanese Immigration Policy,” in Controlling Immigration: A Comparative Perspective, Wayne A. Cornelius, Philip L. Martin and James F. Holifield (eds.), Pp. 411-4, Stanford University Press.


“Earning the Model-Minority Image: Diverse Strategies of Economic Adaptation by Asian American Women,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1.: 83-118, with Kent McClelland.


“New Immigration Policy and Unskilled Foreign Workers in Japan,” Pacific Affairs, Vol. 66, No. 1: 72-90.


“Intermarriage in the Asian American Population,” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. XXI, No. 2: 287-305, with Sharon Lee


“Modernity and Fertility Preferences in Taiwan,” Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 23 (Autumn): 539-51, with H.C. Chang and Fred Lorenz.




“Feminised Cross-Border Migration, Entitlements and Civil Action in East and Southeast Asia,” Background Paper for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Report, Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Equal World, Geneva: UNRISD (with N. Piper).


Implications for Policy and Training of the ‘Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia’ Conference,” Asia Pacific Migration Research Network (APMRN) Working Papers Series, the APMRN Secretariat, Center for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies, University of Wollongong, Australia, with Robyn Iredale and Nicola Piper.


“Ana Bortz’s Law Suit and Minority Rights in Japan,” JPRI Working Paper No. 88, September 2002, Japan Policy Research Institute (JPRI) headed by Chalmer Johnson, Cardiff, California.


“Japan’s New Immigration Policies and Unskilled foreign Workers,” USJP Occasional Paper 93-12, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations (USJP), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Review Essay, “Increasing Gaps between Immigration Policies and Outcomes in Japan: The Responsibility of Researchers in International Migration Studies,” Social Science Japan Journal. Vol. 14, No. 2: 247-252. 講座トランスナショナルな移動と定住、定住化する在日ブラジル人と地域社会 (Seminar: Transnational Migration and Settlement, the Settlement of Zainichi Brazilians and Local Society). 第1巻「在日ブラジル人の労働と生活」、小内透(編著) Volume One, (Zainichi Brazilians’ Labor and Lives), by Toru Onai (ed.) 第2巻「在日ブラジル人の教育と保育の変容」、小内透(編著) Volume Two, (Changes in Education and Children of Zainichi Brazilians), by Toru Onai (ed.) 第3巻「ブラジルにおけるデカセギの影響」、小内透(編著) Volume Three, (The Impact of ‘Dekasegi’ on Brazilians), by Toru Onai (ed.) 東京、御茶の水書房、2009。(Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo).


Book Review, Exporting Japan: Politics of Emigration to Latin America (Toake Endoh), Enterprise and Society Vol. 11, No. 3: 664-667.


Book Review, Gender and Globalization in Asia and the Pacific: Method, Practice, Theory (Kathy E. Furguson and Monique Mironesco, eds.), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 83, No. 3: e45-e47.


Book Review, Gender Politics in the Asia-Pacific Region (Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Peggy Teo and Shirlena Huang, eds.), Political Geography 24: 649-658.


Book Review, New Worlds, New Lives: Globalization and People of Japanese Descent in the Americans and from Latin American in Japan (Leo Ryo Hirabayashi, Akemi Kikumura-Yano and James A. Hirabayashi, eds.), Journal of Asian Studies.


Book Review, Becoming Asian American: Second-Generation Chinese and Korean American Identities (Nazli Kibria), Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3: 510-11.


Book Review, Brokered Homeland: Japanese Brazilian Migrants in Japan (Joshua Hotaka Roth), International Migration Review Vol. 37, No. 4: 1319-20.


Book Review, Multiethnic Japan (John Lie), Social Forces 80 (4): 1410-11.


Book Review, An Introduction to the Buraku Issue: Questions and Answers, (Suehiro Kitaguchi), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 73, No. 2 (Summer, 2000): 294-5.


Book Review, Beyond Loyalty (Minoru Kiyota), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 71, No. 4 (1998-99 Winter): 608-9.


Book Review, Asian American Women and Men (Yen Le Espiritu), Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 21, No. 5 (September): 998-9.


Book Review, Race and Migration in Imperial Japan (Michael Weiner), Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol. 6: 260-3.


Book Review, Japan's “Guest Workers”: Issues and Public Policies (Haruo Shimada), Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Spring): 133-5.


Book review, Women and the Economic Miracle: Gender and Work in Postwar Japan (Mary C. Brinton), Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 4 (November): 1005-7.


Film Review, With Silk Wings: Asian American Women at Work, NWSA (National Women's Studies Association) Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1: 120-24




“Shimin no Iju Rodosha Shien to Iju Rodosha no Sogo Fujo,” (Citizens’ assistance for migrant workers and migrant workers’ self-help), Sozo, No. 112, April 1: 5-10, Kamakura, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“Raifuhiisutori pepa (10): Ajia-kei Amerika imin josei hanseishi” (Life history paper (1-10): Asian American immigrant women’s histories), Sozo, No. 101-111, Kamakura, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“ ‘Sozo’ kara eta mono “ (What I have obtained from the Sozo), Sozo, No. 100, April 1: 5-7, Kamakura, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“Hamamatsu-shi Jinshu Sabetsu Soshou ni miru tabunkashugi heno mosaku,” (A Racial discrimination lawsuit in Hamamatsu: search for multiculturalism), Sozo, No. 97, July 1: 1-10, Yokohama, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“Terorizumu to Afuganisutan Sensou: Sanfuranshishukowan Shunen no Hanou,” (Terrorism and war in Afganistan: responses from San Francisco Bay Area), Sozo, No. 95, January 1: 1-6, Yokohama, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“Transnational Community Activities for Local Survival: A Nepalese Visa-Overstayer Community in Japan,” Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter, No. 3: 19-24, Copenhagen, Denmark.


“Community Activities among Nepalese Migrant /workers in Japan,” American Durpan, Vol. 3, No.1 (Aug.-Sep.): 21, 48, New York.


“From Global Warriors to Global Workers,” American Durpan, Vol. 1, No. 1 (February): 3-4, New York.


“Nepalese Immigrant Workers in Japan,” The Rising Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, January 19.


“Nikkeijin to Nepal-jin no Hikaku wo (A comparative study of Nikkeijin and Nepalese immigrant workers),” Kenkyusha no Koe (Voice of Researchers), Kaigai Iju, No. 594, July, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Tokyo, Japan.


“Contesting Immigrant Rights in Japan,” World on the Move, Newsletter of the Section on International Migration, American Sociological Association, Vol. 6, No. 2: 8-10.


“Futsu no Josei no Cho-futsu no Keiken, Nihon to Nepal nite (Extraordinary experiences of ordinary women in Nepal and Japan),” Sozo, Vol. 89, July 1: 1-7, Yokohama, Japan: Sozo Shuppanjo.


“My Research on Nepalese Workers in Japan,” Peace, Vol. 1, No. 1: 32-33, Kathmandu, Nepal.


“Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary Women in Nepal and Japan” (translated into Nepalese), Koseli, Vol. 1, No. 1: 41-42, Toyota, Japan.


“Research on Immigrant Workers in Japan,” Tamu Dhi, Vol. 2, No. 3: 20-21, Kathmandu, Nepal.




“Seeking Social Justice: Ethnic Politics in India, the United State and Japan,” by Gerald D. Berreman, Plenary Lectures of the Second International Human Rights Seminar, 1998, Kansai University, Nov. 24-30, 1998 (Osaka, Japan: Kansai University Press), Pp. 113-124, English into Japanese.


“Male Friendship and Intimacy,” by Robert A. Strikwerda and Larry May, U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, No. 18: 47-62, English into Japanese.




Final Project Report, Conference: “Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia,” Australian National University, December 5-6, 2002, submitted to the Japan Foundation, with Robyn Iredale and Nicola Piper.


“Report on Major Outcomes of the Conference: ‘Gender, Migration and Governance in Asia.’ ” Australian National University, December 5-6, 2002. Co-author with Nicola Piper, Maruja Asis and Robyn Iredale.